Recently, a team from Goodhope including our partners from PILI Green Network, visited the communities that are at the center of our conservation efforts in Nabire, Papua. Apart from meeting with the community, we were there to plan for a video on this amazing natural ecosystem. It was very encouraging to see the growing involvement from the community. Progress has been made in expanding our community-managed nurseries as well as the development of green initiatives to bolster the economic empowerment of the local indigenous people.
Nabire Landscape Conservation Program
Goodhope has pledged to protect a forested area of 4,475 ha outside of its concessions in Nabire. We are working with two indigenous communities of Sima and Wanggar Pantai villages to build the capacity of local teams for active participation in conservation management and forest monitoring. Two Farmer Groups have been formed: the ‘Manawari Rarei’ Womens Farmers Group at Sima Village and the ‘Ohire Jaya’ Forest Farmers Group at Wanggar Pantai village from which native seedlings will be used for forest rehabilitation. This is a long-term commitment of 25 years to protect the environment and to uplift the communities there economically.