Protecting HCV and HCS forests


HCV & HCS Awareness Programs at Goodhope

Forests play a vital role in our ecosystem, performing crucial functions such as air purification, water filtration, erosion prevention, and acting as a critical buffer against climate change. High Conservation Value Forests (HCVF) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests represent natural forests that must remain shielded from clearance for new agricultural or plantation development.

This is to ensure that its intrinsic environmental and social values such as serving as wildlife habitats, safeguarding riparian areas or preserving cultural heritage are not degraded. At Goodhope, on-going awareness programs on the significance of preserving HCV and HCS forests are carried out to ensure that everyone at all levels of the organisation understand the magnitude of responsibility in being environmental stewards in the plantation industry.

Since June this year, there have been 3 sessions specially designed for specific target groups. The most recent was a program for general managers that was held in Yogyakarta. Later in September, another session will be held in Central Kalimantan for EHS & sustainability officers from each PT.