
Our Corporate Standard of Business Conduct

At Goodhope, we strive to be an efficient and sustainable palm oil producer while also creating a work culture of care, trust, honesty and integrity. These values are intrinsic to the way we conduct business and are at the very core of our personal and professional work.

Our corporate standard of business conduct underpins our commitment to the highest standards of corporate behavior. It sets clear expectations and principles to guide and inspire personal as well as professional excellence among all employees at Goodhope.

All employees and other stakeholders use the corporate standard of business conduct as a guide to observe and comply with applicable laws and regulations as well as act with highest standards of integrity in all business matters.

Our Corporate Standard of Business Conduct covers the following areas:

  • Employment
  • Ethical behavior
  • Gifts and entertainment
  • Conflict of interest
  • Whistleblowing
  • Protection of the group’s assets
  • Accurate record-keeping
  • Confidentiality and information security
  • Insider dealing
  • Environment
  • Health and safety
  • Political activity
  • Anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism funding
  • Anti-corruption and anti-bribery

Whistleblowing Channel and Procedures

Any employee or any other related third party who reasonably observes any misconduct/inappropriate business can report the issue to The whistleblower may use the whistleblowing format below to capture all relevant information that may be needed for a thorough investigation.

Click here to download the whistleblowing form.

Once the allegation of malpractice or misconduct is made, it will be registered in a confidential whistleblowing register.

The company will treat all disclosures with the utmost confidence and sensitivity. Every effort will be made by the company to protect the anonymity of the whistleblower.


S. Chandra Das

Non-Executive Chairman and Independent Director
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Hariharan Selvanathan

Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
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Don Chandima Rajakaruna Gunawardena

Non-Executive Director
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Ajith Prashantha Weeratunge

Non-Executive Director
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Aneesh Dudeja

Director, President & Group Chief Financial Officer
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Hariharan Selvanathan

Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
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Aneesh Dudeja

Director, President & Group Chief Financial Officer
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Satish Selvanathan

Executive Director
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Sharada Selvanathan

Managing Director / Head of Corporate Planning
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Muthukumaran Murugiah

Director of Engineering
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Ishan Dantanarayana

Director HR – Group & Country Head, Sri Lanka
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Piyush Patnaik

President, Premium Vegetable Oils (Downstream)
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Sanjaya Upasana

Chief Operating Officer Oil Palm Plantation Segment
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Saliya Rodrigo

Head of Finance - Plantation Operations
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Amjad Ibrahim

Director/ Head of Business Services
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Rushdi Azeez

Director/Head of Group Finance
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Avneet Singh

Chief Financial Officer, Premium Vegetable Oils (Downstream)
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Carl Dagenhart

Head of Group Sustainability
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Kapila Pilimatalauwe

General Manager – Group IT/Digital Transformation
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